Canine Diabetes Wiki

British Pharmacopia defines them as: A sterile solution of insulin (i.e. bovine or porcine) or of human insulin; pH 6.6-8.0[1].

Short acting insulins have been around a long time. The first insulin produced for treatment of diabetes was short-acting; there was no such thing as longer acting insulins until the mid 1930's when PZI came on the market. Until then, most diabetics had to rely on a series of shots to get them through each day.[2]

Today short-acting insulin is used as bolus for meals, for blood glucose corrections when bg's are running too high, and for diabetic emergencies. When a pet or person is hospitalized for a diabetic emergency, some type of short or rapid-acting insulin is given intravenously to bring blood glucose levels down quickly.[3]

These short-acting insulins are used either by themselves as bolus or corrective insulin or as mixed insulins, combined with NPH/isophane insulin.

With the exception of semilente, they can be injected or given intravenously. Semilente can't be used intravenously because it is a suspended, "cloudy" insulin.[4] Semilente by itself has almost disappeared from the market.

Short and fast-acting insulins are sometimes referred to as prandial insulins because of their regular use to cover food eaten at meals.[5]

Trade names:

Insulin analogs can be found under the Category:Fast-acting.


  1. Neutral insulin. InChem.
  2. Chase, Lilliam A. (September 1938). Some Rules for Dosage of Protamine Zinc Insulin. Canadian Medical Journal.
  3. Dowling, Patricia M. (September 1995). Insulin therapy for dogs and cats.
  4. Maddison, Jill E.,Page, Stephen W.,Church, David B. (2008). Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology. Saunders Ltd..
  5. Heinemann, Lutz (January 2008). Variability of Insulin Action:Does It Matter?-page 40 (4 of 9). Insulin Journal.
  6. Maddison, Jill E.,Page, Stephen W.,Church, David B. (2008). Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology. Saunders Ltd..
  7. Maddison, Jill E.,Page, Stephen W.,Church, David B. (2008). Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology. Saunders Ltd..
  8. Maddison, Jill E.,Page, Stephen W.,Church, David B. (2008). Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology. Saunders Ltd..
  9. Maddison, Jill E.,Page, Stephen W.,Church, David B. (2008). Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology. Saunders Ltd..

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